Week of July 21

If you want to live in freedom, you need to be grounded in the truth. Facing truth is not always easy or comfortable, but it is the only way to grow closer to God and mature in your faith.


John 8:31-32


Q. What are some choices in your life that you are glad you made? How do you think your life has been better as a result of making those wise decisions?

Q. What are some choices in your life that you regret making? How do you think your life would be different today if you had taken a different course of action?

Q. In 1 Peter 5:8, we are warned to be alert to the schemes of the devil. What are some ways the enemy has tried to attack you? How do you stay alert to his schemes?

Q. In Matthew 6:12, Jesus told His disciples to ask God to forgive their sins just as they had forgiven those who sinned against them. Why does forgiveness play such an important role in our ability to gain freedom from the wounds of the past?

Q. In Genesis 11:31-32, Terah (the father of Abraham) was unable to move on from the city of Haran to the land where God wanted him to settle. What are some relational wounds in your past that you have found difficult to move on from?

Q. How do you think your life would change if you were willing to move on and forgive people who wronged you? What do you see as your “Promise Land”?


What has been your experience with accountability within your close relationships? What does accountability to another believer mean to you? How can accountability inspire, challenge, and encourage you rather than shame, condemn, and dishearten you?

Make your relationships a priority this week as you seek to live in the freedom you have in Christ. Before your next group meeting, check in with one person to see how they’re doing. Share about how you have been dealing with all that’s come up in this week’s exploration of spiritual freedom. Ask them to pray with you.


Think of one area of your life you want to experience more of God’s freedom in. Throughout this week, begin prayer with thanking Jesus for the freedom He bought and paid for. Pray for the needs of others, including those who have hurt you, and claim the power of God over every situation that comes to mind. Conclude by asking the Holy Spirit to lead and protect you from the attacks of the enemy as you make an intentional choice to walk in victory each day.